Order picking

Sparse order picking with head-worn displays

Order picking is the process of finding and picking orders inside a warehouse. For more than 750,000 warehouses around the world, optimizing the order picking process increases efficiency for over one trillion dollars worth of goods that are fulfilled every year. In addition, order picking is a representative alternating task to assess HWD designs in which users need to alternate attention between a virtual heads-up interface while interacting with objects in the real world.

Towards Finding the Optimum Position in the Visual Field for a Head Worn Display Used for Alternating Tasks We used the Magic Leap One, a binocular head worn display, to investigate four different positions in the visual field for a virtual picking display: center-center (in line of sight), center-right, bottom-center, and botttom-right. The goal of the study is to determine the most efficient order picking display position in an environment that requires walking to travel between the pick shelves.

Comparing Order Picking Guidance with Microsoft Hololens, Magic Leap, Google Glass XE and Paper We compare three significantly different HWDs and their idiosyncratic designs: Magic Leap One, Microsoft Hololens, and Google Glass Explorer Edition against paper pick lists (the industry standard).



  1. magicleap.jpg
    Towards finding the optimum position in the visual field for a head worn display used for task guidance with non-registered graphics
    Georgianna Lin, Malcolm Haynes, Sarthak Srinivas, and 2 more authors
    Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2021
  2. order_picking.gif
    Comparing order picking guidance with Microsoft hololens, magic leap, google glass xe and paper
    Georgianna Lin, Tanmoy Panigrahi, Jon Womack, and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 22nd international workshop on mobile computing systems and applications, 2021